Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

By Nancy LangLast update: 2023-07-24

Shoulder muscles are one of the most important muscle groups that help build a beautiful standard body. And, you completely can train them at home with no weights or dedicated fitness equipment required.

That turns out to be a big plus during the current pandemic situations when we’re respecting social distancing rules.

OK, without further ado, here are some easy shoulder exercises at home without weights.

Push Up

Prepare in the push-up position – place your hands on the ground and a bit wider than your shoulder-width apart.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Tighten your core and glutes throughout this exercise.

Align and remain your body - from the ankle to the head - forming a straight line.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Inhale, level down your body until the chest almost touches the ground. Pause in this position for a few seconds. Then, return to the starting position as quickly as possible and, at the same time, exhale forcefully.

Below is the tutorial video for you:

Some easy tips for beginners:


While there’s no limit to how many push-ups one should do in a day, beginners should start with 5-10 push-ups per day, depending on their physical health conditions and exercising level.

To maintain a good upper body, it’s highly recommended to do 50-100 push-ups/day for an average person.

Pike Push-Up

Prepare in the push-up position and extend your arms at shoulder width.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights
Slowly push your hips up so that your body forms an inverted V. Stretch your legs and arms as straight as possible.

Inhale, bend your elbows and lower your upper body until the top of your head almost touches the floor.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Pause for a few seconds, then inhale and gradually return to the starting position until your arms are almost fully extended.

That’s one rep.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Below is the tutorial video for beginners:


We highly recommend doing 2–3 sets of 5–8 reps and take a rest of 30-60 seconds between sets. Practice this exercise 2 times/week and once you build strength, add more reps.

Crab Walk

Sit on the floor with your hands behind your back. Your hands are shoulder-width apart and your fingers facing sideways.

Note: Don’t face your fingers backward or forwards because that puts too much pressure on your wrists, which is risky for injuries to happen.

Keep your chin up. Your legs are folded with the entire foot touching the floor.

Raise your hips in line with the shoulders and keep your arms straight. Start moving forwards using your hands and feet.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Below is the tutorial video for beginners:


Start with easy goals: 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

Push-Back Push-Up

Prepare in the push-up position with your body straight.

Inhale and lower your body, keep this position for a few seconds, then quickly return to the push-up position. Right now, push back and straighten your arms.

Continue to return to the push-up position.

Below is the tutorial video for beginners:


Similar to push-ups.

Side Plank

Prepare in a lying position on your side with your legs stretched out. Lean on your left elbow and forearm. Raise your right arm straight up and perpendicular to your body, forming a T shape.

Tighten your whole body by squeezing your abs.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Slowly raise your hips up to form a straight line from ankles to shoulders. Hold this position for a few seconds. Then, do it with the other side.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Below is the tutorial video for beginners:


You can do side planks every day and the intensity depends on your physical health. If you can do one side plank/day, just start with that. Only step up your pace once your muscles are strengthened.

The recommended goal is to hold it for at least 60 seconds.

Handstand Push-Ups

Compared to the exercises above, handstand push-ups are relatively difficult to do at home. Therefore, we only recommend it for experienced exercisers or if you train with an experienced workout partner.

The difficulty level of this exercise is not only on the hands to support your body weight but also on your ability to keep balance throughout the movement.


Lean your feet against the wall and keep your hands on the ground. Your hands should be 8-16 inches far from the wall and pay attention to keep your body straight.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Inhale, tighten your core, and slowly lower your body until the top of your head nearly touches the ground. Your biceps should be near the floor.

Easy Shoulder Exercises At Home Without Weights

Pause for a second.

Next, exhale and push your body upwards to return to the starting position.

Below is the tutorial video for beginners:


Do 2 sets of 1-2 reps if you are a beginner.


Above is all of our sharing about the top easy shoulder exercises at home without weights. Try it out and don't forget that, in addition to working out hard, you need to follow a healthy diet to help recover and build muscle as quickly as possible.

Wish you the best of luck with these shoulder exercises. Thanks for reading!

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